EX 1: Let Mn=Sn and let gSn denote the standard metric on the unit n-sphere in Euclidean space. If g0=r02gSn for some r0>0 ( r0 is the radius), then g(t)≑(r02−2(n−1)t)gSn(2.1) is a solution to the Ricci flow with g(0)=g0 defined on the maximal time interval (−∞,T), where T≑r02/2(n−1). That is, under the Ricci flow, the sphere stays round and shrinks at a steady rate.
EX 2: (Homothetic Einstein solutions). Suppose that g0 is an Einstein metric, i.e., Rc(g0)≡cg0 for some c∈R. Derive the explicit formula for the solution g(t) of the Ricci flow with g(0)=g0. Observe that g(t) is homothetic to the initial metric g0 and that it shrinks, is stationary, or expands depending on whether c is positive, zero, or negative, respectively.
EX 3: Let (M1,g1(t)) and (M2,g2(t)) be solutions of the Ricci flow on a common time interval I. Show that (M1×M2,g1(t)+g2(t)) is a solution of the Ricci flow. In particular, if (Mn,g(t)) is a solution of the Ricci flow, then so is (Mn×R,g(t)+dr2) (we can replace (R,dr2) by any static flat manifold).
Note the similarity to the heat equation ∂t∂u=Δu.
Lemma (Variation of scalar curvature). If ∂s∂gij=vij, then
where V=gijvij=trace(v) is the trace of v.
Proof of formula (2.2):
Ex 4: . Let (M2,h) be a Riemannian surface. Recall that if g=u⋅h for some function u on M, then Rg=u−1(Rh−Δhlogu) Using this equation and the fact that Rij=21Rgij when n=2, show that g(t)=u(t)⋅h is a solution of the Ricci flow if and only if ∂t∂u=Δhlogu−Rh(2.5)